Let’s go back to the stars.

Life is not easy, it would never be easy. How you align yourself with it, is all that really matters!

We all have to deal with several situations in our lives where we found ourselves devastated and downcast. No matter what are the grounds and how do you react to those but the basic, atrocious feeling inside remains the same for all i.e. negativity. This negativity can be exposed in various forms; sadness, anger, envy, or may be tears.

Whenever you see yourself in such situations always try to remind yourself that this is not unnatural to feel this way. Yes, staying in that situation for long is definitely abnormal. It’s alright to take favors from people around in terms of talking to them, sharing your problems, seeking their attention – all these reactions are pretty normal when you’re upset. In fact, on the other side as a person we should always try to support people that are in any kind of difficult situation by talking to them by telling them that things are normal – by doing something that can help!

It all comes down to the beliefs and values. We must try to build a strong belief system in ourselves that any situation- a good or bad – will not last forever. Aye, it will last forever if we don’t try to grow out of it. And certainly, it’d leave impact on your personality but that’s hunky-dory, this is how life is. You change yourself with multiple experiences you go through in the span of your lifetime.

Whenever in such phase, you must tell yourself that nothing in this world belongs to you but belongs to Almighty. Indeed it is important to give your best and try to make things work for you the way you want. But after trying your level best, when you realize things are still not in your control then just leave them- leave them to the nature and the divine powers will resolve issues for you. Most importantly, life never stops; it moves on. Naturally, when move towards the direction of wind you can easily reach your destination. The rule is applicable to your life as well.

The crux is, it’s ok to feel sad but don’t stay in the situation for long. That’s okay to accept yours and others mistakes; that’s okay to forgive yourself and others; that’s okay to lose people, opportunities and places sometimes in life. Believe in it,

that’s okay to fail sometime.

Have a happy life! J